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【学术预告】数统学院青年方程论坛第71期:On a Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system with ch...


【学术预告】数统学院青年方程论坛第70期:Steady water waves with free boundaries




【学术预告】零壹论坛第399讲:Higher-order tail moments in the presence of weakly depend...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第398讲:Long Mach number limit of steady thermally driven fluid


【学术预告】零壹论坛第397讲:Exponential volumes of moduli spaces of hyperbolic surface...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第396讲:The relative entropy method in the mean field limit


【学术预告】零壹论坛第395讲:Analytic smoothing effect of a class of ultra-parabolic eq...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第394讲:Optimal insurance design under asymmetric Nash bargaining


【学术预告】零壹论坛第393讲:A Goodness-of-fit Assessment for General Learning Procedur...


【学术预告】青年方程论坛第69期:Prandtl boundary layers in an infinitely long convergen...


【学术预告】随机分析与数理金融研究中心系列讲座第97讲:Precise Asymptotic behaviour of E...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第392讲:Optimal control problem for reflected McKean-Vlasov SDEs


【学术预告】零壹论坛第391讲:Functional inequalities for sticky-reflecting diffusion pr...


【学术预告】网络科学与智能控制系列讲座第10讲:Automatic Implementation of Fully-Connect...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第390讲:Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Differenti...




【学术预告】零壹论坛第389讲:Nonlinear stability threshold for compressible Couette flo...
