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【学术预告】零壹论坛第388讲:Monopolist's profit-maximization v.s. screening problems: ...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第387讲:Embedding groups into simple groups


【学术预告】零壹论坛第386讲:Ergodicity for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with a degenerat...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第385讲:The optimal reinsurance strategy related to bankruptcy pro...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第384讲:Regularization by Nonlinear Noise for PDEs


【学术预告】零壹论坛第383讲:On propagation of chaos and Euler approximation Mckean-Vla...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第382讲:Diffusion Approximation and Stability of Stochastic Differ...


【学术预告】青年方程论坛第68期:On a diffuse interface model for incompressible viscoel...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第381讲:Nonlinear stability of the Vlasov-Poisson system in T^d an...




【学术预告】零壹论坛第379讲:Equivariant embeddings of closed surfaces in spheres


【学术预告】数学与统计学院零壹论坛第378讲:Leapfrogging Conjecture for 3D Euler Flow




【学术预告】数学与统计学院零壹论坛第376讲:Lyapunov functions and stability in Modern C...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第375讲:Parabolic system of aggregation formation in bacterial col...


【学术预告】青年方程论坛第67期:Global existence and optimal decay of solutions to the ...


【学术预告】青年方程论坛第66期:Global well-posedness and optimal temporal decay estima...


【学术预告】零壹论坛第374讲:Approximating Shapley value by fractional factorial design




【学术预告】零壹论坛第373讲:Berry-Esseen bound and Cramer-type moderate deviations of ...
