【学术预告】零壹论坛第230讲:Subgroup analysis for high-dimensional functional regressi...
[2022-03-21]【学术预告】零壹论坛第228讲:Portfolio choices: comparative statics under both expected...
[2022-03-14]【学术预告】青年方程论坛第32期:Quantitative homogenization of multi-scale problems
[2022-03-11]【学术预告】零壹论坛第225讲:Vanishing Viscosity Limit Problem of the MHD Equations wit...
[2022-03-08]【学术预告】零壹论坛第224讲:Global well-posedness to the two-dimensional incompressibl...
[2022-03-03]【学术预告】On a Conjecture of Sun Zhi-Wei and Related Diophantine Equations
[2022-02-25]【学术预告】零壹论坛第223讲:On some circular summation formulas for theta functions
[2021-12-22]【学术预告】A continuous version of multiple zeta functions
[2021-12-07]【学术预告】零壹论坛第222讲:Multiple zeta values and their sums
[2021-12-07]【学术预告】零壹论坛第221讲:On the hard phase fluid with free boundary in relativity